
Fresh coriander tastes sour, spicy, slightly peppery and fresh.


Coriander – Fresh from Pfalzmarkt

J Jan
F Feb
M Mar
A Apr
M May
J Jun
J Jul
A Aug
S Sep
O Oct
N Nov
D Dec

Cultivation & harvest

For the successful harvest of coriander leaves, a semi-shaded location is chosen. The herb plant is a high-nutrient plant and prefers a humus-rich soil. Moreover, the soil should be kept evenly moist. Attention. Since coriander does not tolerate waterlogging, the soil should always be loose and well-drained.


The fresh herb adds flavour to salads, curries, soups and stir-fries. However, coriander should not be added to dishes until just before serving, otherwise it loses its flavor.


The fresh leaves of coriander can be tied into bunches and hung upside down in a dry, warm and dark place. When dried, the leaves can now be used constantly. The dried coriander seeds can also be stored for several years. Ideally, in a sealed screw-top jar.