Salad with root ball

Salad with root ball stays fresh even after harvesting. The root ball maintains the lettuces’ nutrient supply and ensures that they stay fresh and crisp. Our lettuces are available in different varieties: The Trio lettuces consist of three different lettuce varieties per root ball. Small, bite-sized leaves combine flavour, crunchy bite and good shelf life. In addition, we offer single varieties such as head lettuce with root ball.

salad with root ball
salad with root ball


Root ball salads are quick to prepare and can be served as a crisp, fresh side dish to dishes of all kinds.

Salad with root ball – Fresh from Pfalzmarkt

J Jan
F Feb
M Mar
A Apr
M May
J Jun
J Jul
A Aug
S Sep
O Oct
N Nov
D Dec


Lettuce with root ball can be stored in the refrigerator or even on the kitchen counter (in a bowl of water), and thus keeps fresh for over a week longer than other lettuces.